Rest and Restore for corporates/staff wellness program

We’re here to help businesses better manage the compounded stress and burnout epidemic. A holistic approach to improving your people’s physical and emotional well-being, mental resilience and productivity.

“Businesses are only as resilient as their people”

Retaining talent and being an employer of choice has never been more important than today. There are more jobs than there are people. Businesses are needing to be doing more thoughtful things to make them stand out and make people want to come and work for them. This has led to a profound shift underway in caring deeply for employees both professionally and personally.

New research suggests that employers need to prepare for high staff turnover coming out of an expended pandemic – which has intensified staff health and wellbeing issues and also given rise to new forms of workplace exhaustion

The shift underway is helping people practice self-care – which is important every day, but especially now.

“Employee well-being is no longer a benefit. It’s a strategy”

Supporting your people by enabling the opportunity to learn and make small changes around their sleep, eating, exercise and critically self-care tools - will help them live and work with less stress, more productivity, and greater well-being.

Healthy people mean happy teams, happy workplaces and healthy outcomes. There’s a great opportunity to do more around preventative care for your people right now.

Making sure your people can be their best both at work and at home will help them live and work with less stress, more productivity, and greater well-being.


What we offer Choose length of stay

  • Program can be tailored to your organisations goals, specific requirements and budget.

  • Program can be tailored to your organisations goals, specific requirements and budget.

  • Program can be tailored to your organisations goals, specific requirements and budget.

  • Choice of a half or full day visit, or a 1-3 overnight escape from the office  

  • Nurturing and restorative residential wellness retreat 1 hour east from Melbourne

  • Evidence-based wellness practices facilitated by passionate and supportive industry leaders  

  • Gives your people the opportunity to relax, recharge and re-connect both within themselves and as a bonded team

  • Program can be tailored to your organisations goals, specific requirements and budget


Support your people to Rest & Restore

To learn more about how we can help your people build mental resilience, de-stress with self-care and in-turn increase productivity, register your interest here and schedule a call with us. We’d love to help and are ready when you are.

Need a customised retreat?

Drop your details below and we’ll get in touch.